I'm also an educator to thousands of other photographers, Momma to my incredible son, fierce special education advocate, proud blue line wife & daughter, and so much more.
I didn't know it then, but God had plans for our family that rocked us to our core. We found out that our amazing son had special needs & because of photography, I was able to quit my full time job as a Juvenile Probation Officer and be the Mom he needed me to be.
Since then, we've been on this incredible roller coaster ride and I wouldn't have it any other way!
When I began my photography career, I was working as a Juvenile Probation Officer when I noticed that a severe lack of confidence was a common factor among my female juvenile probationers. I decided right then and there to make my goal for the AHP senior portrait experience to infuse confidence into my clients and help them realize how beautiful they really are. It’s amazing what gorgeous images can do for a teenager’s self esteem! Since then, I’ve become a leader in the senior photography industry and even help other studios nation-wide to help bring their seniors an amazing senior portrait experience unlike any other.
Enneagram 8, type A as they come... but I live for my family and swear I liked blush pink before anyone else.
Top: Me in my office
Left: my fave getaway
Right: my fam
Amanda Holloway has gained the reputation as one of the top SENIOR photographers in the industry, earning the respect of peers around the world and accolades from industry print and web media outlets. What she provides to her clients is a one of a kind photography experience that focuses on their true beauty – inside and out.
In her field, Amanda is often called upon to share her experiences as a businesswoman and artist, speaking to professional conferences, guesting on industry podcasts, and hosting knowledge-driven workshops & courses to help improve the craft and businesses of others. Amanda’s approach to both business and photography is fresh and modern with bold, rich color – she brings art to the world for her clients and her contemporaries.
Our son has been homeschooled since 2018 & it was the best decision we ever made.
I can't drink milk out of anything other than a glass... no plastic (ick), ceramic (ew), etc.
My favorite show is the Great British Baking Show... I can't get enough!
During Covid, I decided to stop dying my hair & let my silver strands grow. Suck it, society. 😜
Your at-a-glance guide to where I stand on all the truly important things.
Marble Slab Ice Cream
Meh... I'm more into historical figures
Reading historical fiction
Profiler for the FBI
Tie between Walt Disney World & Paris
Coke with Lime
My Doberman, Han
Nachos, tacos... anything covered in queso.
Why can't I go to both?
The Great British Bake Off
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