Senior Girls

Dance Senior Pictures | Peyton | 2024

I’m Amanda...
an industry leading senior photographer and expert when it comes to senior session fashion & getting portrait perfect ready.
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Gimme that

Meet Peyton! She is a graduating Class of 2024 senior at The Woodlands College Park! Her senior pictures session was absolutely beautiful and we especially loved her dance pictures that we got to add at the end of her session. Here at AHP, we truly get excited when a senior client wants to make their session their own with special customizations! That’s what makes you YOU and will set your senior pictures apart! So when Peyton brought out her ballet tutu, we got so excited to add some dance senior pictures to her session!

She is also on the cheer team and dances ballet as well (check out her stunning ballet pictures below)! She even got to be a sugar plum fairy for the Nutcracker! Peyton also has her ambitions set for medical school in hopes to become a doctor! 

What a beautiful woman, inside and out!

dance senior photographer
dance senior pictures
ballet senior pictures
dancer senior photos
dancer senior pics
field senior session ideas
woodlands senior photographer
dance photos
dance senior pictures
houston senior pictures
the woodlands senior photographer
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Amanda Holloway Photography is famous for our senior client experience because we go above and beyond when it comes to our clients. We are even considered the most sought after studio in the area.



What NOT to Wear

In this guide I share my top five things to avoid when planning your session attire to ensure you look and feel your best during this once in a lifetime experience.


Regal Fusion Album

I believe in tangible images that you can showcase and put on display in your home - not to mention have and look at forever & albums are the PERFECT way to do that.


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