One of my favorite things about senior pictures is my clients’ ability to make their senior session just as unique as they are. We LOVE it when our high school senior clients bring pets & props and one of the fun things you can bring to your senior session is your upcoming college gear and memorabilia! This is one of the most exciting times of your life and it’s time to document a new chapter! Why not include that next chapter with a few pics from your senior session?
This is such an awesome time to not only celebrate where you’re headed for the next chapter of your life, but to also let everyone know by including these portraits in your graduation announcement cards! They are such a great addition to your cards and can really make them unique to you!
Here’s 3 ways to incorporate your college into your senior pictures!
#1. ACCEPTANCE BANNER: when you get your big acceptance letter in the mail, keep the banner they send you! Bring it to your session and pull it out for a few pics! It’s such a great idea is to include one of these college pics on your grad announcement so you can tell everyone where you’re going in the fall!
#2. T-SHIRT / HOODIE: college gear is so exciting once you get your acceptance, and a great way to tell everyone where you’ll be spending your next four years is by wearing your new school in a few of your pictures! Make sure to keep it simple with your collegiate colors with big, bold lettering.
#3. COLLEGE FLAG: this is a favorite of ours! Bring your collegiate flag and we’ll fly it with pride during your senior session! You can find embroidered and more custom flags at your school’s local gear shops.

Want to know what else to bring to your session to make it unique to you? Check out our post about 3 Ways to Make your Senior Session Extra Special with the 3 P’s.