Session Prep

7 Best Types of Pictures to Take at Your Senior Session

I’m Amanda...
an industry leading senior photographer and expert when it comes to senior session fashion & getting portrait perfect ready.
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If you are an upcoming high school senior and you are looking for senior pictures inspiration, you have come to the right place! No matter your location (we’re in the greater Houston area) or who you choose as your senior photographer, you want to make sure that you get a variety of senior pics throughout your session. Nobody wants the same senior pictures over and over again with just a change of outfits. We want VARIETY! While there are a ton of ways to add variety to your session (wardrobe options, lighting, location, angles, composition, etc), one of the best ways is to change up your poses and facial expressions! This will allow for an unending amount of variation in your pictures and a beautifully dynamic senior portrait gallery! Feel free to use the following as senior pictures inspiration for your very own senior session!

Let’s talk about 7 types of pics to take at your senior session!

Movement: it’s time to twirl and sway and capture you in action! These images create emotion and life and they’re one of my absolute favorites! A few ways to accomplish this look are to look over your shoulder, grab your dress and swish it back and forth, spin in circles, and briskly walk toward and away from the camera.

senior pictures inspiration with movement
senior pictures with movement

Headshots: these are great for so many reasons! Use these for your bio pics, grad cards, pledge pics, future resumes, and so much more! And remember that a headshot doesn’t have to be boring! Get your hands in there to frame your face, fluff your hair, rest your chin on your hand, tuck your hair behind an ear, etc to add interest!

senior headshot pictures
senior headshot studio pictures
senior headshot inspiration

Silly: show off your personality for your senior pics! Make a face, scrunch your nose when you laugh, bring a fun prop, and highlight what makes you you!

fun senior pictures inspiration
silly senior pictures

Serious: these pictures can feature a different side of you that isn’t forced or pressured. Serious facial expressions can set a wonderfully emotional tone for a few of your senior pics. Worried about looking angry or too aggressive in your senior pics? Remember to relax your forehead and simply breathe through your mouth so that your lips are very slightly parted.

serious senior pictures inspiration
serious senior pictures inspo

Smiling: of course we’re gonna smile, but let’s capture different kinds of smiles! Change it up between giggly smiles, smirking, teethy grins, and every smile in between!

houston senior pictures
the woodlands senior photographer
senior picture poses

Candid: these are such wonderful images to capture because they bring a level authenticity to your senior pictures as you’re not looking directly at the camera.

candid senior picture poses

Full body: now is the time to capture the whole outfit, shoes and all! This capture is great to feature your fave shoes too!

senior posing ideas
the woodlands senior pictures

How was that for some senior picture inspiration?!? If you’d like some more, take a look at our portfolio and check out some of our full sessions!

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